“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take………”
“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take………”
has gifted we women the power of holding the future inside our womb. All who
see this beautiful world come out of us. That is why it is often said that God
could not be present everywhere so he created the Mother.
moment you hold your child for the first time, you are no more alone even in
your thoughts. You think of your child first before thinking about yourself.
is in a way designed by nature as with mother lies the responsibility to
develop the child into a man and for him the world a better place to live. This
is a divine role that a mother plays. He develops a child into a contributing
member of society and makes him future-ready for all his history-making
accomplishments. In the classroom called life, a mother is a timeless teacher. Just
like a potter shapes up a pot, a mother shape up the future of their children.
There is no formula for becoming an efficient
mother because every child is different and so different are their behaviors.
a mother has become more challenging in today’s perspective. The ideas of good
parenting have changed a lot over the last fifty years. Moreover, for us who
are in their 40s, the challenges are more. The reason being your child is no
more a toddler that you can dictate him. He/she is either in their teens or
approaching it. So, they have developed their own liking and disliking and have
created own ideas about life. The tremendous technological advancement led to
bring early maturity in them.
me, you are also experiencing many behavioral changes in your child. Just a few
years back you had a child who adored you and now you have a teenager who is
criticizing your actions. Once who enjoyed only your company now wants to hang
out more with friends. You can hardly let him/her move away from his mobile
phone or the laptop where he is busy surfing the you tube or Instagram! So, how
can we as a mother deal with this and yet remain happy and blissful.
Let me share my ideas to be a great mother(of a teenager) who is
confident in herself, efficient and effective.
We have to remember that
motherhood is not guided by any set formula. You need to very observant and
patient to develop your own strategies towards becoming an ideal mother. My
propositions may help you rethink and ponder upon your actions towards your
child. To simplify the things lets us divide our perspective of mothering a
young child in two parts, one ‘what we should do and the other, what we should
not while parenting our children.
Your child is going
through adolescence and it is a period in life when both the body and the mind
go through a series of changes. There is reshaping of the body, mind and,
psychology of the child. In addition to it, the tremendous technological
advancement has left its impact on your child. He spends much of his
time using computers, for studying and for playing games. This has brought
a change in their ability to communicate
or interact with other people especially you. Now he is more connected to the
world by means of his mobile phone or laptop. This has not only made him more
prone to psychological disorders like attention disorder, anxiety, and depression
but also changing the way he communicates learns, sleep, and exercises. So you
need to be very patient and empathetic towards him.
the communication channel open: Always try to
communicate with your kid. He may refrain from it but keep your cool. Good
communication starts only with good listening. Whenever your child is saying
something, however, irrelevant it may appear to you and whatever work you are
doing, give him good listening without being judgmental. Let him clear his
point of view before you respond. A good listener always earns trust. If you
can earn his trust half of your job is done. Give your opinion only if he asks
for it. Mind it no one likes to be lectured.
2) Develop yourself: “Actions speak louder than words”. Your child is
always monitoring your actions. So when you are dealing with a generation which
is technologically advanced, try to groom your self accordingly. Educated
yourself with all the social media sites generally explored by teenagers. Try
to be tech savvy. Update yourself with all current affairs. Try to be fit and attractive. Try to be a role model for your child. This will
improve their confidence in you and will help you understand them better.
quality time with your kid: As a mother, we all know
how important it is to spend time with our kid. But keep in mind that studies
suggest, teenagers need quality time with their parents more than toddlers do.
Your child at this adolescent years is going through psychological turbulence
where he/she needs your support and attention. Teenage girls are most needy
around age 13-14, while boys are more insecure at 16-17. Academic performance
pressure together with appearance obsession makes them more insecure. You can
spend quality time with your child by taking every day dinner together, by
helping him in studies, sometimes just go to a movie together. This will also
help you to openly communicate with him. Make it a habit to turn off the TV,
laptops and cell phones while you are spending time with your kid. This is an important thing to be together without
your child: You need to understand and and accept your kid’s strengths and weaknesses and help him develop his
strength. Encourage your child to explore a variety of activities and find
areas of expertise. Encouragement will enhance their self-esteem and motivate
them to achieve better. Praise sincerely and honestly. Honest praises are
encouraging, whereas insincere praises can easily be identified and are
harmful. A simple way of how you can encourage your teenage child is by valuing
their thoughts and opinions rather than imposing yours. Take interest in their
interests and help them pursue it.
your child: This is easier to write
than follow. But if you can come out of the parental fear and create an
atmosphere of trust with your teenager, it is sure that he will have trust in
you and will come back to you when in despire. So it is better to stop snooping
through their mobile phones and diaries and check online activities. Set up
your rules but respect their privacy. You have to accept that your child may
have secrets which are not to be shared with you. Also, remember that breaches
of trust are normal, so don’t take it personally if your teen breaks their
word. Give your child another chance to regain your trust. If you see more
trustworthy behavior, give more freedom. On the contrary, if there is a repeated break of trust, you may need help.
your humor side: A good sense of humor is
a strong point of a confident personality. It is often well appreciated by all. A
sense of humor may be a connecting link between you and your kid. Show your
child that you can laugh at times. Let your children see you as a person, not
always just as a parent. Your child will learn the humor aspect from you which
will help him in his stress hours.
your kid: We should not forget
that in a few years our teens are going to be adults. They will need to take
strong decisions then. Let them learn to take decisions now. To empower is to
infuse the sense of ability. Help them work through the pros and cons of difficult
choices in order to build decision-making skills. Decision making will improve
only by doing mistakes. Let them face the consequence of taking a wrong
decision and learn from their mistakes. This will let them grow and mature with
their own experience, just as we did.
clear boundaries around your child: Being empathetic
towards your kid or empowering them does not mean that they are free to do
anything. Make your expectations clear to them and set definite boundaries. It
is an important aspect of mothering a teenager as it will make them learn to be
responsible. Establish rules and clear
consequences of breaking those rules. Setting boundaries for
teenagers will help them learn to set their own boundaries. Reprimand them if
they go out of the boundary.
some space to your teens: Another aspect of setting
boundaries is to give your child the space they deserve. Teens need space to discover themselves as separate
beings from their families. At this age, friends and
peers become more important than parents. So if your child is in no mood to
talk to you just do not take it too seriously.
Love your child unconditionaly: As a mother, we all love our kids. But is that love
unconditional? Do our children acknowledge our love as unconditional love? when as a mother you
show affection to your children, even
when they make mistakes or fall short of expectations, that is unconditional
love. In other words, it is a form of love with no tag attached. Often our
children are stressed to bear the load of our expectations. You need to show
your love to them. Hug them. Tell them that you love
them frequently even if your teenager doesn't say it back to you.
Dealing with a teenager
needs lots of empathy and patience on the part of the mother. We often loose
our temper in the way they present themselves. Try to understand how exactly
your kid is feeling? Remember that teens want to shock their
parents. If your teenagers want to dye their
hair, paint their fingernails black, or wear funky clothes, think twice before
you object. It's better to let them do something temporary and harmless; save
your objections for things that really matter, like tobacco, drugs, and
alcohol, or permanent changes to their appearance.
1) Stop being a ‘helicopter
mother’: A helicopter mother is one who
pays unnecessary attention to their kids in such a way that they appear to
hover over the kid’s head like a helicopter. If you are such a mother, stop
being so over protective. As you are doing more harm than good to your child.
Research shows that kids of helicopter parents lack problem solving capacities
and had to depend on others for all decisions in life.
2) Don’t try to change your
child: every child is special in their own way.
Never try to change your child’s nature. No one liked to be changed or molded,
especially teens. Your attitude to change his behavior may make them feel awkward and insecure about themselves. Instead, love them the way they are. If
your kid is stubborn and does not give an ear to what you say, change your
parenting pattern.
3) Don’t compare your kid with
This is a common mistake which we all do. A child is generally compared with
others to ascertain his or her academic performance and lit up the spark of competitiveness in them. But does it really work? Every child has got their own
talents and aspirations. Your continuous comparison can make him introvert and
shy. He may loose his self esteem and self worth. Moreover, this also results
in sibling rivalry in some cases. Just check whether you are over stressing
your child with your own expectations.
4) Don’t over criticize: We all know the ill effects of
criticism in our lives and relationship. How badly we feel when we are being
continuously criticized at work or at home. Yet we do the same thing with our
children. Though we try to justify it as our concern towards them to make them
successful. That does not change the truth. Continuous criticism will lead to
anger and defiance in your kid. Sometime we may do it out of our anxiety
towards them and consider it to be a piece of advice for them to be successful in
the competitive world. You will definitely give advice but don’t be over
critical as this will make them secretive and unwilling to communicate.
5) Don’t be judgmental: We tend to judge our kids all
the time when they do things in their own way rather that the way we want them
to do. We as mothers definitely want to teach and train our children well, but
instead of being authoritative we can choose to do it in a nurturing way.
Children of a
judgmental mother can be emotionally insecure. They generally crave their
parents’ acceptance and approval. All this effects their academics and social behavior. They may get attracted to others from where they are getting
attention and approval.
6) Don’t accept disrespect: Disrespectful behavior from
teenagers has become quite common now a days. The actual truth being, this is a
way teenagers try to solve their problems. When a teenager is subjected to our
expectations and criticism they feel powerless. Disrespectful behavior is one
way to get back the power. How can we as a mother don’t accept such disrespect
yet deal with it? Just try to build mutual respect. Respect your child's point
of view. Respecting
a teen’s feelings is not the same as giving them everything they want
It is impossible to
teach an adolescent to show respect by displaying disrespect. Shouting,
scolding and humiliating your kid will only result in the same tactic being used
by him against you. Never engage yourself in an unnecessary argument with him
because that is what he wants. Rather be calm and try to push yourself out of
the situation.
A mother’s dream is to see
her children grow up to be healthy, happy and successful………enjoy the dream.
Being a mother of a teenager girl child it's my utmost concern to keep my child healthy not only physically but also emotionally.thank you for your valuable guidance.Sometimes due to human nature we become over possessive n over anxious.The time is to keep cool and behave like a friend n guide whom they need at this juncture of their life.
ReplyDeleteThanks Sudipta di for your valuable points.Really its a very tough job to groom our teenagers to become balanced human being in all aspects of our society.Being a mother of a child I am also going through this tough journey.I am trying to mix with her as a friend,but sometimes I become little strict also ,and do little comparison with her peers that makes her little competitive.I just want her to be a broad minded women first ,then established herself professionally.The points mentined by you will definately serve as a guideline.
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